Prayer Requests are always confidential and can be placed in our prayer box at church or submitted via email to: Unity of Bandon

Prayer requests are forwarded to Silent Unity where they are held in prayer for an additional 30 days.

The E-mail Prayer Partner distribution list is another way to unite in prayer for yourself and your loved ones. Simply send a prayer request to Unity of Bandon and ask that it be distributed to the email prayer partners.

 Prayer Chaplain Program

Unity of Bandon’s Prayer Chaplains are extensively trained and deeply rooted in prayer consciousness. They are available to pray with you before and after Sunday services and by appointment. 

Unity Prayer Chaplains:
-Hold sacred space
-Pray one-to-one with any individual who asks
-Hold what is heard in absolute confidence

These dedicated individuals are here to listen, pray, and support you on your spiritual journey.  Please call the church office (541-347-4696) if you have a need.


Unity of Bandon’s Care Team provides practical support and assistance to congregants and their family members when facing difficult life situations.  They are available for home visits, hospital and care center visits, and wellness calls.