One [peace rock] went on the ground in front of the door of a friend’s car that was parked at Ray’s. Today I went to visit her and was pleased to see it displayed in the front of her beautiful down town garden, a garden many walk by. She is a wonderful, spiritual woman. She told me, “I looked around the parking lot to see if there were more. But there weren’t. I had been meditating on peace in my life, trying to overcome anxious feelings about my health. Every time I walk by the rock coming and going from my house it reminds me to take the time to experience quiet, stay connected and nourish gratitude. And now, symbols of peace keep appearing….doves and the peace sign.” My friend speculated on who had put the rock there. I loved having the secret that it came from Unity. We had such a cool contemplative conversation that might not have happened if I’d admitted to the deed. Some day I’ll tell her…or maybe not.
Why did this particular activity capture me so? I think it is because of my continued fascination with Dr. Emoto’s work with water and crystal formation. To this day those images from ‘What the Bleep’ continue to evolve me….more so than any other works I have studied. I have read several of his books more than once. I find his message to be at the core of spirituality for me. The peace rocks are a profound opportunity to ‘work’ that science.